
wall paper

...for those who go all in


the quick brown fox...

capitals - upside down..sketch


terrazzo patterns

at the moment I'm working on some funny patterns (inspiration terrazzo)


longing for spring

longing for sunlight and hours spent outdoor Red and blue inspiration


pop up

I just made this nice pop up card for a friend Signe Hegelund som ud over at være en fantastisk sød og klog nabo...også holder dejlige kurser om retorik og formidling.

Dumb ways to die...



countdown for holiday

I´ve worked a little too much lately (one of the reasons why there has been a little quiet in here.) But now I look forward to holiday, relaxation and hopefully some small funny creative projects.


on my wall

my fantastic new calligraphi set has been tested the last few days it's so funny that you just can't stop. Only disadvantage - black fingertips...and ink does not come of in a normal hand wash.


merry christmas

This is how my christmas card went out this year. Merry christmas to all of you.



december...ready, steady, GO!

1. December. Christmas month has started, and I have a feeling that this year will be soooo nice. Some of my sketches that might be used for this year's Christmas card.


almost bored to death...

Because of back pains I'm forced to lay down and do nothing....not my favorite at all! But in this case Pinterest is "toppen". I think I must have set some kind of record (in beeing bored as well!). Here is some of the nice leather stuff I found among a lot of other fine things (go to pinterest to see the links HERE)


Dear Santa...

I whish for THIS butterfly collection app. Pleeeeease. Just don't know if I can wait that long, though:)
INSPIRATION: Sweeping beauty by Niels Shoe Meulman



Grounded to the bed for a week! I already feeling desperately restless...
I'm trying to coach myself to enjoy not being busy...but it's so much more fun doing nothing when it's something you decide yourself. 



This weekend I have been stocked in my bed because of backache. Ouch! + very boring. Aldus and I've just seen a lot of movies and family have been over to nurse around a little. Hope the chiropractor can make miracles tomorrow. Pictures from last week, making my "offline pinterest" into nice look books.


Atelie in a corner

I'm trying to make a small studio in a corner of the apartment.
Now I'm just missing something to cover the floor with...and some frames:)
Until then I'll stick to paper cutting.